Monday, April 20, 2009

not the kind of trip I wanted to take

I guess I should chronicle my odyssey. I have been given quite a few calendars and journals. I think that is what they are for. I don' t know if I am lucky or unfortunate. There seems to be missing pieces. Maybe I need to document these things and that is how I might find the answers. I am beginning to forget details so it might be good to put down here what I remember so far.

Friday Feb 27 - tummy problems that have been bothering me for awhile are so bad, Danny takes me to ER. PCP comes in to see me and says it looks like ovarian cancer. I stay until Sunday morning.

Monday Mar 2 - appt with oncologist in Indy. more tests. more tests scheduled.

Surgery scheduled for March 12

Thursday, March 12 - Surgery at Clarian North. Hysterectomy, ovaries removed, nodes sectioned, appedix taken. Need to wait 10 days for pathology report.


it floats in quietly, so easy to not hear, so easy to not let the brain understand.
the word - cancer.

Is this my new life destination, facing yet another bullet that I had thought I had dodged by living past 50?